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Islam and America – Empire – Al Jazeera English

The tragic 1993 and 2001 attacks in New York seemed to reduce thinking about the Middle East to a simplistic clash between the US and Islam.

On the 9th anniversary of 9/11, the fault lines between Washington and the Muslim world seem to have expanded into America’s heartland.

Islam and America – Empire – Al Jazeera English.

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FRONTLINE: Revolution in Cairo

For the full PBS Frontline program, click here!

Revolution Without Violence?

Amid both the gloom of the season and the recent uprisings in the Arab world, it is bracing to look back at the last thirty years or so and see how much has actually gone more or less well. The end of the cold war, the demise of communism, and the emergence of new democratic states of varying quality all represent important historical change. Most of the radical political and economic transformations of the last quarter-century, moreover, have been brought about with little or no bloodshed. The “velvet” revolution, based on civil resistance, organization, and negotiation, came into fashion. Much was owed to Mikhail Gorbachev.

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